Just one of them days…

Some days are just hard. Really hard. You know the ones I mean—when getting out of bed feels like a heroic feat, and even your coffee looks at you with a judgmental glare. You might try to power through with a motivational podcast or a pep talk in the mirror, but somehow, the universe decides to throw in a few extra hurdles just for fun. If you haven’t had one of these days, consider yourself lucky. Very lucky. Like go buy a lotto ticket kind of lucky, because you will win.

The day just keeps kicking you while you’re down. Maybe you spill coffee on your favorite shirt or realize you’re wearing mismatched socks, and suddenly, it feels like the universe has put out a "bad day" alert just for you. It’s okay to admit…some days, you just want to crawl back under the covers.

And that’s perfectly fine. Life isn’t a highlight reel; it’s a collection of moments, some of which are less than glamorous. So, if today’s a struggle, remember it’s just one day in a sea of many. Grab your blanket, binge your favorite show, and give yourself a break. Tomorrow is a new chance to conquer the world—or at least make it to the couch without incident.


Art helps. I promise.